Beds built in solid zapatero and other exotic hardwoods.
We use solid tried and true joinery methods and guarantee our beds from squeaking and shaking.
Price range from $250.00 to $850.00
Call me:507-6713-7310
Double bed with opium legs we copied from traditional Bali design, and historical teak inlay on headboard. Does anyone remember the old huge teak tree that fell in the park couple of years back?
Bed would probably look a lot better with a mattress and bedding.
I like the way it clears the floor with a respectable distance. And the teak strips have a slight luminescence.
I love the three panel bed...they are easy to build and so can be produced for a reasonable price. Call me. 507-6713-7310
We will help you with assembly, and guaranteed to be strong and long lasting.
I think they are all beautiful...I have the art deco bed at my home in Bocas if any one wants to take a look at it.
The single beds have a free-hand engraving of the historical transom piece typical to Bocas del Toro.
Sell for $350 each when ordering a pair.