I've had a lovely peaceful day on my own with no pressing chores to do.....such luxury! It has meant I've had time to reflect, so I lit a couple of candles (above and below) and thought about this year just gone, and about the year ahead, so full of possibilities....
I'm not really one for making New Years Resolutions, but there are some things I plan to do, or to continue to do this year. This includes restarting my 'gratitude journal' where I jot down one or more things that happened on any given day, for which I am grateful. Simple things like my son making me laugh, someone giving me a compliment, or even just being able to enjoy a wonderful meal. This helps me focus on all the good things in my life, of which there are many, but which I sometimes have to remind myself.
I also plan to record my achievements in the same journal. So often we forget how much we do in any given year, so I plan to write these down as I achieve them, so I can look back at the end of the year and realise that I have done some good things. Again, they could be simple like being a thoughtful daughter, or more practical like installing french doors in my living area or painting the front of my house (yes, I plan to do both this year - you've got to hold me to it now!).
Other than that, I plan to light candles more often....

Geoff Lung
And have more fresh flowers around the house. Simple, joyous things.

John Gruen
And part of my plans for this year is to continue this blog and keeping in touch with the wonderful, fascinating and inspiring blogs and bloggers. I hope that is part of your plans too.
May your year be full of all the things that you wish for. Health and happiness to you all.