Just a quick post today, as I am heading off for a girl's night out soon. We're going out for all-you-can-eat Mexican - which could be dangerous! But I didn't want to let the day go by without a post for my blog friends, as I'm off for another girls night tomorrow and might not get the chance to post.
So anyways, a little while ago I did a post about blue painted furniture. I was lucky enough to find some lovely images of some cute little cupboards and some other pieces, see
Well today I'm sharing with you some green painted pieces. Just two mind you, but they really are beauties!

Please let it be known amongst the universe that the cupboard above is
exactly what I'm looking for. I adore its humble simplicity, its usefulness as storage, its potential for lots of lovely vignettes on top. Almost every week I faithfully visit my favourite auction houses, in the hope that one day I will meet a little beauty like this and take it home. One day it will be there, waiting for me, I'm sure of it!

I love the feminine, curved lines of the piece above, and the rustic painted finish. How fantastic would this look in a boudoir?
Enjoy the rest of your day lovely people!
Best wishes,