PRESS RELEASE: Paul Calter sculpture installed at Castleton State College

A sculpture by Paul Calter entitled Mandela II has been gifted to Castleton State College by Fred and Jennifer Bagley of Rutland, VT. They were inspired by the steel and marble sculpture created at the Carving Studio and Sculpture Center during the 1991 Vermont Bicentennial Sculpture Symposium, and they worked with President David Wolk and JMZ Architects and Planners to landscape the site in front of the Student Campus Center where the sculpture has been sited.

At the unveiling on October 2, attended by over 100 people, sculptor/engineer and former CSSC Trustee Paul Calter described the ideas behind his kinetic sculpture. "Mandala is Sanskrit for circle, a device for focusing the mind. The work is also a fractal in which elements can be seen to repeat" or "a Tibetan prayer wheel where students can come before an exam." "But people like a simple answer - it's a picnic table! Want to pass the ketchup - give the wheel a spin."

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