Press Release: new Exhibition by Cameron Schmitz in Bristol

21 large scale works by Cameron Schmitz, including oil on canvas, silkscreen prints, intaglio etchings, monotypes, graphite on paper, appear at

WalkOver Gallery & Concert Room,

15 Main Street, Bristol, VT
December 1, 2010 - January 2, 2011

Opening Reception:

Sunday December 12th
4:30-6:30 p.m.

CAMERON SCHMITZ - Artist Statement

Times of solitude, no matter how brief, inspire me. Quiet, mundane moments woven throughout our days, suggest deeper thinking and personal reflection. Contemplating on these states of being, illuminates a universal human experience, and provides a great source of feeling upon which my work is made. Painting, drawing, photographing and reflecting on the quieter moments within our lives, derives from my own desires to collapse, suspend and render the passing of time into a visual poetry that can be experienced and reflected upon again and again. Or perhaps it results from my personal concerns of a culture and generation consumed by interruptions and distractions, and the fear of losing an experience so vital.

As a part of my process, I allow each image to drive and dictate my use of mark and technique and explore emotive qualities that become present. Dashes of paint, graphic lines and rhythmic strokes are evidence revealing an active search and visual dialogue being shaped. It is here that I also explore suggestive and meditative qualities that each material and mark made on the surface provides me. Through this search, I aim to provide my viewers with the ability to construct their own personal meaning and unearth their own discoveries from each picture.

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