Outdoor Wovens from Walfab!

Walfab is one of those great companies that quietly keeps on giving their customers fabulous fabrics in fabulous colors! They have become known for their tropical prints and wovens in the design community. Below is the new Alligator Collection of outdoor wovens that adds a new dimension to their great collections.

First row:
Waxing in Nut. A woven graphic pattern that comes in five colorways: Sand, Nut, Grass, Navy and Rust.
Wrangle in Grass. This popular coral pattern comes in five colorways: Sand, Nut, Grass, Navy and Rust
Wouwou in Rust. This sea creature pattern is unique and comes in five colorways: Sand, Nut, Grass, Navy and Rust.

Second Row:
Wrangle in Navy.
Waxing in Sand.
Walkabout in Nut. A great alligator pattern that comes in five colorways: Sand, Nut, Grass, Navy and Rust.

Third row:
Walkabout in Rust.
Wouwou in Nut.
Waxing in Grass.

Fourth row:
Waxing in Navy.
Walkabout in Grass.
Wrangle in Rust.

All fabrics to the trade through Walfab and representative showrooms.

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