Sleeping beauty

"Sleeping is no mean art: for its sake one must stay awake all day"
. Friedrich Nietzsche

I really do love my sleep. To make it as lovely as possible, I think you should go for the best sheets that you can afford, the best mattress you can afford and no televisions. Also, no taking work to bed, and definitely no using your bedroom as a dumping ground for 'stuff'!

The simplest, purest bedrooms appeal to me. Very little in the way of accessories, a pared down look with little colour and minimal furniture.

But that doesn't mean I like a bedroom to be austere. I like a bit of touch-me texture, in the form of a padded bedhead, a deliciously soft throw, thick wool carpet and downy soft pillows.

I think I wrote this post because I'm feeling sleepy. Is 9.00pm too early to get to bed?

Sweet dreams to you all!

“Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.” Ovid

Best wishes

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