CONTACT: Erin Sheridan, 802-747-7900, info@vermontwood.com
The Vermont Wood Manufacturers Association (VWMA) announces the 2010Bi-Annual Furniture and Wood Products Design Competition. The competition is open to anyone who lives and works in Vermont and produces wood products in any of the following categories: Production Furniture, Custom or Studio Furniture, Production Woodenware, Custom Woodenware, and Carvings/Sculptural.
The competition will be held at the Union Arena in Woodstock, VT, in conjunction with the 7th Annual Fine Furniture and Woodworking Festival on September 25-26, 2010. The hands-on nature of the design competition will stay in effect where woodworkers will bring their piece to the competition and the judges will be on-site at the fine furniture and foliage weekend. Each piece entered will be viewed and evaluated based on quality of craftsmanship and integrity of design. Woodworkers who are exhibiting at the Festival may display their entries in their booths. Others will be displayed in a Design Competition booth on the exhibit floor.
Each will receive a custom wooden plaque to be displayed with the piece whenever it is exhibited. The VWMA is also working with our industry suppliers for product contributions (i.e., lumber, tools, equipment, etc.) to be awarded to first place winners in each category. Berkshire Products, Alderfer Lumber, Fine Woodworking Magazine, Vermont Natural Coatings, Super Thin Saws, and Duluth Trading Company are donating gift certificates and
products for the first place winners in each category.
There is also a student category for Vermont students that are either 18 & under enrolled in a public/private school, technical center or home school (those that graduate in June 2010 are still eligible), or a Vermont woodworking student/apprentice that is over 18.
For more information and to download entry forms visit www.vermontwooddesigns.org and submit no later than Tuesday, September 7, 2010. The fee for each on-time entry submitted is $35. The fee for late entry is $45. There is no charge to enter into the student competition.