VSA and CVS Caremark invite you to submit artwork showing your child's or student's creativity! Children of all abilities between the ages of 5 and 15 are encouraged to submit their artwork in any artistic media related to the theme of Imagination Across America. For complete details and sample activities, visit the
All Kids Can Create page.

In February, VSA Vermont will select four representative artworks to be sent to the VSA national office. Two pieces from each state and the District of Columbia will be selected for the inclusive exhibition featuring artwork created by children with and without disabilities. A selection of young artists will be invited to a reception in Washington, D.C. In addition, teachers who submit their students’ artwork are eligible to receive one of five $1,500 cash awards for use in their classroom.
All submissions to the call will be included within the exhibition in an interactive kiosk even if not selected for the touring show. This project is open to all children of all abilities, ages 5-15, living within the United States (all 50 states and the District of Columbia.) For complete details and sample activities, visit the
All Kids Can Create page.
Artwork must be submitted online through
Artsonia, a website that shares children's art, by February 4, 2011. Email Peggy at peggy@vsavt.org with questions.