Designer Series Fabrics from Cloud9 & Skinny Laminx

Cut Out & Keep

The first of the Designer Series for Cloud 9 is out featuring South African surface and product designer, Heather Moore (Skinny laMinx). And what a great collaboration it is!

Cut Out & Keep is a striking collection of 8 prints based on Heather's paper-cut designs. This series is also part of Cloud 9's Price-Sensitive offerings which will retail for under $12/yd for high quality, 100% certified organic cotton quilting fabric. The range won't be available in shops until April, but they are taking pre-orders.

For a closer look at all the loveliness, pop over to Cloud 9 and Heather's flickr page.

Cut Out & Keep Splinters by skinnylaminx

Cut Out & Keep - Hydrangeas by skinnylaminx
Cut Out & Keep - Shards by skinnylaminx

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