MY HOUSE: Jonathan Adler and the Surreal Thing...

Picture copyright Kate Jacobs

Talking about surreal interiors recently reminded me that I meant to post this photo a while back, when I did my last Jonathan Adler post. I like surreal things in the same way that I like things with a punkish influence - because they stop a room feeling too staid or bland, and give it an edge. And the surrealist look is playful but still grown up. It’s quite hard to find surreal interiors objects but these mr & mrs muse salt and pepper pots by Jonathan Adler fit the bill - he does lots of great surreal pieces like the ones shown below - click here to see the whole 'Muse' collection. And, running with the surreal idea, I have no qualms about displaying my cruet set on my lounge mantle, rather than the kitchen table. 

Kiki de Montparnasse vase
Picture courtesy of Jonathan Adler

Dora Maar bowl
Picture courtesy of Jonathan Adler

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