Dear Friends,
Come visit our Magical Garden and celebrate with us!
Gardens are a lot like people; we are all different and yet we belong together. Imagine a magical garden, filled with plants, flowers, rocks and creatures of all shapes, sizes, colors and textures. Under the guidance of artist Gwendolyn Evans, individuals from HowardCenter Developmental Services have created such a garden out of paper mache, and recycled materials. These delightful sculptures will be on exhibit at the Fletcher Free Library in Burlington.
You are invited to a celebration and art opening with our class on May 2nd from 1-3. Join us in the second floor Fletcher Room of the Fletcher Free Library, 235 College Street, Burlington. All are welcome. This exhibit will be on display for the month of May, so please feel free to visit if you cannot attend our celebration.
Best Wishes,
The Can Do Paper Mache Garden Class
VSA Vermont - the Vermont organization on arts and disability