PRESS RELEASE: Keith Johnson at Photostop in White River Junction

Acclaimed photographer Keith Johnson will be exhibiting his work at the PHOTOSTOP Gallery in White River Junction, VT from May 6 to the 28th in a show titled The Photograph: Extended. Opening night of the exhibition will be on May 6 from 5-8 with a gallery talk with the artist at 7pm.

Keith Johnson received his MFA from the Rhode Island School of Design, studying with Harry Callahan and Aaron Siskind, following a year at Visual Studies Workshop with Nathan Lyons. During the summer, Johnson works at Visual Studies Workshop, Maine Media Workshops, Penland School of Crafts, and the Jackson Hole Art Association. Recent shows were held at CEPA Gallery, FotoFest, George Eastman House and the Panopticon Gallery in Boston, Nelson Hancock Gallery in Brooklyn, and Wall Space Gallery in Seattle. He is the recipient of a Connecticut Commission on Arts Fellowship and an Artist Residency at Light Work. Johnson's work, shown at the PHOTOSTOP Gallery, will be reviewed in the May/June issue of Art New England magazine.

Johnson's photographic work includes captivating landscapes and entertaining subjects. His latest work, which will be showcased in his show at the PHOTOSTOP Gallery, consists of the use of extended imagery. He uses variations on themes, sometimes with a touch of humor, in order to create sequences and assemblages, often arranged in a grid. Common visual threads in his work include surfaces, objects, people, places, and accidental discoveries.

Along with the exhibition at PHOTOSTOP, Johnson will be teaching a unique workshop titled "Lightroom and Landscape: A Perfect Match". The workshop will be held on May 7 and 8 from 10-4. Contact Lia Rothstein at the PHOTOSTOP Gallery for more details.

PHOTOSTOP Gallery is located at 85 North Main Street, Suite 150, on the first floor in the TipTop Building, White River Jct., VT. Gallery hours are Weds. through Saturday from noon-6. Other hours are available by appointment. For more information call 802.698.0320 or check the website at

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