Happy New Year!

At JMX, we are welcoming the new year with hopefulness and high expectations.

For many people, 2009 was a good year to put behind us... the economic climate worldwide, the fatigue of nations at war, a challenging business climate, the millions of people who have lost or are losing homes - these are the types of things we'd like to leave to the history books.

I believe, however, that the human capacity for goodness is a powerful force in this world that can overcome the worst of our fears and our realities, large as they may seem. And more than a force for collective change, the goodness and kindness that comes in our relationships with our families, friends and communities (along with the faith that may sustain us) is a source of real and lasting peace within our lives. I personally will measure 2010 and the coming decade not only in the wars that are fought or not fought, or the number of jobless claims, or whether or not we prevent H1N1, but more importantly in the quality of my personal relationships.

And so, to our customers, potential customers, employees, vendors and competitors, I want to wish you a happy and prosperous new year. This year, may you experience the richness of life and the capacity of high hopes in your community. Cheers!

Jim Miller
CEO, JMX International

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