Interior Design by Barbara Barry

Barbara Barry, one of our favorite designers, has completed a vacation home in Jackson Hole that is an updated version of the American farmhouse. It has the feel of a Shaker structure but with a modern classic style. The palette includes muted hues of sage, gray, ivory, taupe, green and blue which produces a calming effect. The architecture and interior design melds together beautifully with an enclave of buildings that gives the feeling of residing in a small village. This beautiful home is featured in the new Veranda magazine and is full of inspirational ideas. Interior Designer: Barbara Barry. Architect: Peter Block of Atlanta. See some of the photos of this wonderful home below! Above: Modern Fireplace.
Dining Room
Black & White Kitchen
Kitchen Dining
Living Room
The View!
The Completed Home!

All photos courtesy of Veranda Magazine & Barbara Barry.

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